Sunday, February 25, 2007

Life Abundant in Jesus Christ

Ephesians 1:22-23

22 • And he put all things under his feet

• and gave him as head over all things

• to the church,
23 which is his body,
the fullness of him who fills all in all.

These are three superlative statements of the superiority which God the Father has given to Jesus Christ. Separate them and there is the possibility of defect but put them together and there is no room for imperfection. We can imagine a conqueror who is unable to supply what is needed after his victory. We can imagine a remote provider who is not one of us and we can imagine a community that is united in defeat and disorder, and a world where we are, in effect, no more than dead men walking.
Put these three together though, as three aspects of the same supremacy and we can hardly separate the one from the other. Here is a conqueror who conquers by making perfect provision, a provider who is universally and most emphatically with those provided for and a whole race contained in one man dying the death deserved by everyone else so that all else, believing in him might live.

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